Ski Patrol Counseling
The Ski Patrol Counseling Program connects ski patrol and first responders with licensed counselors experienced in addressing trauma related to outdoor pursuits.
You are eligible for this program if you are a member of Big Sky Resort Ski Patrol, Yellowstone Club Ski Patrol, Big Sky Search & Rescue, and other community first response groups. Counselors will verify other payment options first, and if none are available, you may be eligible to pay what you can for counseling from $5-$30/session. WIA will cover the remaining amount.
WIA partners with Timothy Tate and Justin Short to provide this service to the community. You can read more about their practices below.
Provider Partners
Timothy is the proud grandfather to three granddaughters, father to his son and daughter, and husband to his wife of over 40 years, Susan. His quest for knowledge has led him to in-depth study either in person or with the works of Carl Jung, James Hillman, Alan Watts, and others. In 1984 he established his private psychotherapy practice and continues to practice, specializing in archetypal studies, imaginative creativity, dream work, and rituals from Native and Celtic traditions. Timothy has served on local nonprofit boards, was the founding Headmaster of Headwaters Academy, and was the wellness consultant for The North Face global athlete team. An avid hiker, backpacker, fly fisherman, and camping enthusiast, Tate relishes living in the mountains, is grateful for the beauty, dramatic seasons, and long view horizon line.
Please reach out to Timothy directly to inquire about appointment availability.
Justin specializes in counseling individuals experiencing anxiety, depression, chronic illness & pain, trauma, & other health concerns. Other primary areas of focus are: life-transitions & adjustment, stress injuries among First Responders, sports-performance, and grief & loss. His comprehensive approach to health includes – mindfulness meditation, physical exercise, holistic nutrition, and a variety of integrated behavioral health practices. Justin draw inspiration most heavily from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, CBT, Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy, Socratic Dialogue, and body-centered modalities to help clients achieve improved health and well-being. When not working, he enjoys trail running, Nordic skiing and camping.
Please reach out to Justin directly to schedule an appointment.