Groups & Trainings

I am so grateful to have a group that helps me find strategies to cope with grief.
— Grief Group Attendee

Photo by Jonathan Stone

WIA offers groups and trainings at no cost or for a low cost to provide additional opportunities to access mental health care and education.   

WIA partners with different providers to offer affordable these services to the Big Sky Community. If you are interested in learning more about a group or training, please reach out to the contact provided next to each offering.

Big Sky Grief Support Group

The grief group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6-7pm at the Wellness In Action office (47855 Gallatin Rd). The group is facilitated by Ally Wold, LMFT, and Jess DiRienzo, SWLC. There is no cost to attend the group, and registration is not required. We do ask that you complete the interest form so we can keep you posted about any group updates!  

Grief Group Interest Form

Mindfulness Group

Dr. Jacquelyn Rinaldi is leading a free community mindfulness group on Wednesday evenings, February 19th - March 19th. The grief group meets from 6:30-7:15pm at the Wellness In Action office (47855 Gallatin Rd). Learn to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and practice your mindfulness skills!

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) 

WIA and Ally Wold, LMFT typically offer two QPR trainings a year that are free for the community to attend. This training teaches you how to recognize warning signs of suicide, how to approach conversations with friends and colleagues about suicide, and how to get help for yourself or others. If you are interested in participating in this training, please email our Director of Programs, Kiernan at, and she will add you to an interest list.